adopt a haggis
There are so many advantages that come with Adopting a Haggis.
Where do we begin...
Look at that wee honest sonsie face

...and this wee sonsie face
and another...
how did it all start
For as long as any of us at Adopt a Haggis HQ can remember, Haggis have played a mystical part in our lives. The stories passed down through the generations, tales of fleeting Haggis sightings over the centuries all lend a romance to these unique Scottish creatures.
An experience I had some years ago cemented my commitment to these shy creatures.
In 2001 whilst walking in the Scottish hills I spied something small, snuffly and furry with four short legs. It had a relaxed demeaner and the most incredible green startled eyes. After eliminating any other creature it may have been (hamster, gerbil, poodle, hare, hedgehog etc) I realised
I had encountered a Haggis.
This wee soul was bustling around the heather and the tangled flora and fauna approximately twelve feet from where I stood. It disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared but nonetheless...
I was fascinated. I was hooked.
From that day forward I made every effort to study the captivating Haggis and monitor the local Scottish landscape that they have chosen to call home.
I invite you to join us at Adopt a Haggis as the journey to discover more and more about these charming creatures continues.
More importantly, you as a guardian of this incredible breed get to experience that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you are part of something special.
Haggis are now one of Scotland’s rarest mammals.
The 'International Team for the Conservation of Haggis' (ITCH)
have listed Haggis as a rare species requiring rapid intervention to strengthen their delicate numbers.
The annual onslaught of 'Burns Suppers' on January the 25th is causing a catastrophic decline in numbers of our native Haggis.
The introduction of veggie Haggis has helped somewhat in redressing the reduced population but we can't rest on our laurels - with every Burns Supper our Haggis numbers are in mortal danger.
Our adoption programme goes some way to facilitating the success of protecting their numbers from decrease plus helping reinstate Haggis to their rightful Scottish habitat.
Join our Haggis Adoption programme to ensure these soncie wee creatures are protected for generations to come.

Thank you! By purchasing one of our ‘Adopt a Haggis’ packages you are helping to sustain a long held Scottish legend. Scotland is famous for many things - the Haggis is one of our much loved treasures
so thank you for your support in preserving the myth.