our Haggis Sanctuary
Situated in the rolling Scottish landscape we have set aside a large area of land dedicated to the relocation and settlement of the Scottish Haggii.
Many of these creatures are looking to settle in areas of Scotland other than the Highlands.
To the right we have an incredible photograph taken in the Spring of this year of a 'Reekintumshie' (Haggis burrow) entrance.
This really is a very rare sight as most Reekintumshies are hidden well away from prying eyes.
As we monitor the landscape and habitat we are becoming more and more familiar with the Haggis that are settling here.

Haggis sniffer dogs in training

May we introduce Sir Walter ~ he is one of Adopt a Haggis's scent dogs. Sir Walter is currently in training to sniff out traces of Haggis activity.
So far he has located some very Haggis sized stones and as his training progresses we’ll see him eventually be able to whimper lightly at the scene of Haggis activity.
To our right is Hobnob. He is to begin his hill training under the supervision of Sir Walter and our qualified Haggis detection trainers. Hobnob passed his initiation two months ago and after extensive fitness checks he will take to the hills to begin Haggis detection part 1 of his qualification.

Here we have an update on our two Haggis sniffer dogs in training.
These guys deserve huge respect for the contributions they make to our project.
In the photo on our right, Walter is pretending to be a snoozing Haggis whilst Hobnob is on detection duty.
When a dog goes through Haggis dog training courses, they'll learn both passive and aggressive alerts.
The dog needs to let their handler know when they've found what they've been sniffing for.
Hobnob is about to give the signal of a find ~ he will sit down in place and give a small whimper.
This is the passive alert to a live Haggis detection.
Hobnob will play the Haggis next time although he’s a bit bouncy about to play a snoozing Haggis.


Thank you! By purchasing one of our ‘Adopt a Haggis’ packages you are helping to sustain a long held Scottish legend. Scotland is famous for many things - the Haggis is one of our much loved treasures
so thank you for your support in preserving the myth.